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Sarah Vrba

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Wands, oh Wands! The suit of fire, action, stamina, and passion! What’s not to like? While the Pentacles and Cups suits tend to delve into the deepest habits and emotions inside of us, the Wands suit asks us to put those deeper emotions out into the world.

The Wands suit represents the part of the journey where you send out that resume, compete for a top position, or share that artwork you have been slaving over in secret for many months.

Of course, this energy can be scary. It can be forceful, terse, insensitive, impatient, and it can invite a certain amount of healthy conflict into the picture. Think of the Five of Wands, the Seven of Wands, or the Ten of Wands. With action, comes responsibility and competition.

However, this suit is playful, fiery, and passionate. Think of Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius, the fire signs. They embody all of these characteristics. Now is the time to share your courage and talents with the world.

Here are four ways to leverage that fiery energy for the better:

1. Go for the Gold First and foremost, the Wands suit demands action. The Ace of Wands heralds an era of green lights for your deepest dreams and desires. Now is the time to embrace your ego and your dreams of yourself out there in the world. Take a step forward into that dream life. Send an email, call a friend, set a meeting, share a song you wrote, go to an open mic night. Whatever it is, it’s time to go.

2. Hold Your Ground This is where the Wands suit gets a little rough. Once you throw yourself out onto the winds of fortune with your dearest dreams, competition and doubts are bound to pop up. HOLD ON! Hold your ground and remember that you are as amazing as you believed when you started on this new journey. Even if there are plenty of other people wanting to do the same work as you or oust you from your position, don’t pay them any mind. Do your thing and stay strong! 3. There’s Enough For Everyone One of the darker sides of the Wands suit is that competition, fierceness, and impatience can take over. Remember, there is enough for everyone and abundance expands the more you want good, passionate things for those around you. If you hoard all the glory for yourself you might end up looking like the Ten of Wands, the image of a man carrying all the burdens by himself and looking perilously close to falling. 4. Ask for Help And that brings me to my final point: let others into your world. The fiery element in this suit often reflects the ego and the individual. And while we should embrace our unique gifts and self-reliance, these two things need community to maintain the balance. Allow your community to bolster you and soften you. If you have the Queen of Wands or King of Wands energy in excess you risk pushing people away and feeling burdened and lonely.

And there you have it, four ways to enjoy all that passionate energy without letting it run you into the ground. I love the fiery energy, it’s where I’m most at home but it has been my personal downfall a few times. What about you?

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